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A model of a sequence of unobserved states, each of which depends only on the previous one, and each of which gives rise to an observation.

Fixed transition and observation probabilities:

(define (transition state)
   ((eq? state 'a) (multinomial '(a b c) '(0.7 0.2 0.1)))
   ((eq? state 'b) (multinomial '(a b c) '(0.3 0.3 0.4)))
   ((eq? state 'c) (multinomial '(a b c) '(0.3 0.65 0.05)))))

(define (observe-state state)
   ((eq? state 'a) (sample-integer 3))
   ((eq? state 'b) (+ (sample-integer 3) 1))
   ((eq? state 'c) (+ (sample-integer 2) 2))))

(define (hmm state n)
  (if (= n 0)
      (pair (observe-state state)
            (hmm (transition state) (- n 1)))))

(hmm 'a 5)

Uncertain transition and observation probabilities (basic version):

(define states '(s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 stop))

(define vocabulary '(chef omelet soup eat work bake))

(define state->observation-model
  (mem (lambda (state) (dirichlet (make-list (length vocabulary) 1)))))

(define (observation state)
  (multinomial vocabulary (state->observation-model state)))

(define state->transition-model
  (mem (lambda (state) (dirichlet (make-list (length states) 1)))))

(define (transition state)
  (multinomial states (state->transition-model state)))

(define (sample-words last-state)
  (if (equal? last-state 'stop)
      (pair (observation last-state) (sample-words (transition last-state)))))

(sample-words 'start)

Uncertain transition and observation probabilities (using unfold):

(define states '(s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 stop))

(define vocabulary '(chef omelet soup eat work bake))

(define state->observation-model
  (mem (lambda (state) (dirichlet (make-list (length vocabulary) 1)))))

(define (observation state)
  (multinomial vocabulary (state->observation-model state)))

(define state->transition-model
  (mem (lambda (state) (dirichlet (make-list (length states) 1)))))

(define (transition state)
  (multinomial states (state->transition-model state)))

(define (unfold p f g seed)
  (if (p seed)
      (pair (f seed)
            (unfold p f g (g seed)))))

(define (stop? state)
  (eq? state 'stop))
(define (sample-words)
  (unfold stop? observation transition 'S))


See also:
