Rational Rules is a model of concept learning. Concepts are represented as compositional rule formulas. The version below is a simplified version of the model used in Ref:Goodman2008ub.
;;first set up the training (cat A/B) and test objects:
(define num-features 4)
(define A-objects (list '(0 0 0 1) '(0 1 0 1) '(0 1 0 0) '(0 0 1 0) '(1 0 0 0)))
(define B-objects (list '(0 0 1 1) '(1 0 0 1) '(1 1 1 0) '(1 1 1 1)))
(define T-objects (list '(0 1 1 0) '(0 1 1 1) '(0 0 0 0) '(1 1 0 1)
'(1 0 1 0) '(1 1 0 0) '(1 0 1 1)))
;;here are the human results from Nosofsky et al, for comparison:
(define human-A '(0.77 0.78 0.83 0.64 0.61))
(define human-B '(0.39 0.41 0.21 0.15))
(define human-T '(0.56 0.41 0.82 0.40 0.32 0.53 0.20))
;;two parameters: stopping probability of the grammar, and noise probability:
(define tau 0.3)
(define noise-param (exp -1.5))
;;a generative process for disjunctive normal form propositional equations:
(define (get-formula)
(if (flip tau)
(let ((c (Conj))
(f (get-formula)))
(lambda (x) (or (c x) (f x))))
(define (Conj)
(if (flip tau)
(let ((c (Conj))
(p (Pred)))
(lambda (x) (and (c x) (p x))))
(define (Pred)
(let ((index (sample-integer num-features))
(value (sample-integer 2)))
(lambda (x) (= (list-ref x index) value))))
(define (noisy-equal? a b) (flip (if (equal? a b) 0.999999999 noise-param)))
(define samples
1000 10
;;infer a classification formula
(define my-formula (get-formula))
;;look at posterior predictive classification
(map my-formula (append T-objects A-objects B-objects))
;;conditioning (noisily) on all the training eamples:
(and (all (map (lambda (x) (noisy-equal? true (my-formula x))) A-objects))
(all (map (lambda (x) (noisy-equal? false (my-formula x))) B-objects)))))
;;now plot the predictions vs human data:
(define (means samples)
(if (null? (first samples))
(pair (mean (map (lambda (x) (if x 1.0 0.0)) (map first samples)))
(means (map rest samples)))))
(scatter (map pair (means samples) (append human-T human-A human-B))
"model vs human")