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Note: The code on this page may fail. (Undefined primitives)
(define pi 3.141592653589793)

;; select every nth element from a list
(define (element-n l n)
  (if (< (length l) n)
      (pair (list-ref l (- n 1)) 
            (element-n (drop l n) n))))

;; assuming path is a combination of q's and p's
(define (path-splitter path points)
  (let* ((n (floor (/ (length path) points))))
    (element-n (map first path) n)))

;; Euclidian distance between 2 2D particles, assuming coords come in as (x1, y1)
(define (compute-euc-dist particle1 particle2)
  (let ((x1 (first particle1))
        (x2 (first particle2))
        (y1 (second particle1))
        (y2 (second particle2)))
    (expt (+ (expt (- x1 x2) 2) (expt (- y1 y2) 2)) 0.5))) 

;; get angle theta between 2 2D particles
(define (compute-angle particle1 particle2)
  (let* ((x1 (first particle1))
         (x2 (first particle2))
         (y1 (second particle1))
         (y2 (second particle2))
         (rx (- x2 x1))
         (ry (- y2 y1))
         (default-val (atan (/ ry rx))))
    (if (> rx 0)
        (atan (/ ry rx))
        (if (and (< rx 0) (>= ry 0))
            (+ (atan (/ ry rx)) pi)
            (if (and (< rx 0) (< ry 0))
                (- (atan (/ ry rx)) pi)
                (if (and (= rx 0) (> ry 0))
                    (/ pi 2)
                    (if (and (= rx 0) (< ry 0))
                        (/ pi -2)

;; go from x y to radial reprsentation

(define (xy->radial xy)
  (let ((r (compute-euc-dist xy '(0.0 0.0)))
        (theta (compute-angle xy '(0.0 0.0))))
    (list r theta)))

;; This probably exists already, but just to be sure
;; (define (gaussian-lnpdf val mu var)
;;   (* -0.5 (+ (+ 1.8378770664093453 (log var) )
;;              (/ (* (- val mu) (- val mu))
;;                 var) )) )

;; Go from elastic property to spring damping constant c in F = -c*v 
(define (elastic->damping elastic k mass)
  (* (* 2 (sqrt (* k mass))) (/ (- (log elastic)) (sqrt (+ (expt pi 2.0) (expt (log elastic) 2.0))))))

;; multiply number through a list
(define (mtimes n l)
  (map (lambda (x) (* n x)) l))

;; multiply number through a list of lists (GOD)
(define (mtimes2 n ll)
  (map (lambda (l) (mtimes n l)) ll))

;; add number through a list
(define (mplus n l)
  (map (lambda (x) (+ n x)) l))

;; add number through a list of lists
(define (mplus2 n ll)
  (map (lambda (l) (mplus n l)) ll))

;; add the lists of two lists together

(define addl 
  (lambda xs
    (let ([lla (first xs)]
          [llb (second xs)]
          [args (rest (rest xs))])
      (if (equal? args '())
          (map (lambda (la lb) (map + la lb)) lla llb)
          (fold (lambda (x y) (addl x y)) (addl lla llb) args)))))

(define (strip l)
  (if (equal? l '())
      (append (first l) (strip (rest l))) ))

;; remove the element indexed by ref from the list l, kind of
;; the opposite of list-ref. Assume zero-indexing. 
(define (remove-element l ref)
  (append (take l ref) (drop l (+ ref 1))))

;; turn momenta into velocity
(define (p->v pl ml)
  ;; assuming p and m are both vectors, however
  ;; p is a Nx2 vector-list and m is a N vector
  (map (lambda (pxy m) (list (/ (first pxy) m) (/ (second pxy) m)) ) pl ml))

;; turn forces into accelerations
(define (F->a Fl ml)
  ;; assuming F and m are both vectors, however
  ;; F is a Nx2 vector-list and m is a N vector
  (map (lambda (Fxy m) (list (/ (first Fxy) m) (/ (second Fxy) m)) ) Fl ml))

;; turn velocty into momenta
(define (v->p vl ml)
  ;; assuming v and m are both vectors, however
  ;; v is a Nx2 vector-list and m is an N vector
  (map (lambda (vxy m) (list (* (first vxy) m) (* (second vxy) m))) vl ml))

;; We don't want to have to remember property-lists by heart.
;; Since they will be in the form (("mass" 30) ("squiggler" #t)) and so on,
;; this function allows us to define general property-grabbing functions
(define (get-property property)
  (lambda (property-list) 
    (second (first (filter (lambda (p) (equal? property (first p))) property-list)))))

;; will grab the (float) value of mass from a property list of a particle
(define get-mass (get-property "mass"))

(define get-elastic (get-property "elastic"))

;; will grab the (truth) value of squiggler-hood from a property list
(define get-squiggler (get-property "squiggler"))

;; will grab the (truth) value of spiraler-hood from a property list
(define get-spiraler (get-property "spiraler"))

;; will grab the (float) value of object size from a property list of a particle
(define get-size (get-property "size"))

(define (get-x q) (map first q))

(define (get-y q) (map second q))

(define (basic-collision pos mom lim)
  (if (< pos (first lim))
      (abs mom)
      (if (> pos (second lim))
          (- (abs mom))

(define (collision-box xlim ylim)
  (lambda (p q) 
    (let ((x (first q))
          (y (second q))
          (px (first p))
          (py (second p)))
      (list (basic-collision x px xlim) (basic-collision y py ylim)))))

;; Usually we're going to want several forces acting at once on the
;; different particles. We need a way to apply these individually
;; and then sum up the results. This function will take in the list of
;; forces, apply them to q and v in turn, and then return the summation
;; of Fx and Fy for each particle.

(define (apply-force-list F-list q v properties)
  ; we still want this to handle regular forces, so if it's not a list, just
  ; apply the force
  (if (not (list? F-list))
      (F-list q v properties)
      (if (equal? F-list '())
          (make-list (length q) '(0.0 0.0))
          (addl ((first F-list) '() '() '() q v properties) 
                (apply-force-list (rest F-list) q v properties)))))

;; convenient function for handling multiple-interaction between pairs of particles.
;; takes in a force F which describes the interaction between any pair, and computes
;; the necessary N^2 interactions, spitting them out as ((Fx1, Fy1) (Fx2, Fy2), ...)
(define (multi-interaction-F F)
  (lambda (q v properties) 
    (let* ((masses (map get-mass properties)))
      (let ((n 0) (Fl '()))
        (define (loop n Fl)
          (if (< n (length q))
              ((lambda ()
                 (define main-q (list-ref q n))
                 (define main-v (list-ref v n))
                 (define main-properties (list-ref properties n))
                 (define rest-q (remove-element q n))
                 (define rest-v (remove-element v n))
                 (define rest-properties (remove-element properties n))
                 (define f-main-rest (map  (lambda (q2 v2 properties2)
                                             (F main-q q2 main-v v2 main-properties properties2))
                                           rest-q rest-v rest-properties))
                 (define result (list (sum (map first f-main-rest)) (sum (map second f-main-rest))))
                 (loop (+ n 1) (pair result Fl))))
              (reverse Fl)))
        (loop n Fl)))))

;;integrator step, using Runge-Kutta (RK4)

;; No gradient methods necessary for Newton.
;; Notice this is written as p and q rather than x and v so
;;  it will be more easily integrated into a single framework with
;;  Hamiltonian dynamics.

;; Note that F is a function of q, v, properties and possibly t
;;  F is a procedure that takes in vector-lists q, v and properties
;;  and spits out a vector-list of forces in the x and
;;  y directions, i.e. ((Fx1, Fy1), (Fx2, Fy2), ...)  *sigh*.
;;  Possibly it would be better for F to take in particles.
;;  but that would require using "set!" and such. 

;; a = F/m
;; v = integrate a
;; x = integrate v

;; The noise model adds the appropriate noise at the end of
;;   this deterministic procedure.
;; NOTETOSELF: There must be a simpler way to do this using
;;             some abstraction of a state evaluation.
(define rk-newtonian
  (lambda (q0 v0 Fl properties steps dt noise)
    (if (= steps 0)
        (let* ((masses (map get-mass properties))
               ;(v0 (p->v p0 masses))
               (a0 (F->a (apply-force-list Fl q0 v0 properties) masses))
               (a_q v0)
               (a_v a0)
               (b_q (addl v0 (mtimes2 (/ dt 2) a_v)))
               (b_v (F->a (apply-force-list Fl (addl q0 (mtimes2 (/ dt 2) a_q))
                                            (addl v0 (mtimes2 (/ dt 2) a_v))
               (c_q (addl v0 (mtimes2 (/ dt 2) b_v)))
               (c_v (F->a (apply-force-list Fl (addl q0 (mtimes2 (/ dt 2) b_q))
                                            (addl v0 (mtimes2 (/ dt 2) b_v))
               (d_q (addl v0 (mtimes2 dt c_v)))
               (d_v (F->a (apply-force-list Fl (addl q0 (mtimes2 dt c_q))
                                            (addl v0 (mtimes2 dt c_v))
               (q1 (addl q0 (mtimes2 (/ dt 6)
                                     (addl a_q
                                           (mtimes2 2 b_q)
                                           (mtimes2 2 c_q)
               (v1 (addl v0 (mtimes2 (/ dt 6)
                                     (addl a_v
                                           (mtimes2 2 b_v)
                                           (mtimes2 2 c_v)
               ;(v1 (add-noise v1 noise))
               ;(p1 (v->p v1 masses))
          (pair (list q1 v1) 
                (rk-newtonian q1 v1 Fl properties (- steps 1) dt noise))))))

;; ======================== List of Forces ===================================

;; Force #0: nothing

(define (null-F q v properties)
  (make-list (length q) '(0.0 0.0)))

;; Force #1: damped harmonic oscillator, one-dimensional
(define (damped-harmonic-F q v)
  (let* ((x-vec (map first q))
         (vx-vec (map first v))
         (centerpoint -50)
         (Fx (map + (map - (mtimes 0.1 vx-vec)) (map - (mplus centerpoint x-vec))))
         (Fy (make-list (length x-vec) 0.0))
    (zip Fx Fy)))

;; Force #2: gravitational force between two particles
(define (two-particle-grav-F q1 q2 v1 v2 properties1 properties2)
  (let* ((r (compute-euc-dist q1 q2))
         (theta (compute-angle q1 q2))
         (mass1 (get-mass properties1))
         (mass2 (get-mass properties2))
         (F (* 100 (/ (* mass1 mass2) (expt r 2.0))))
         (Fx (* F (cos theta)))
         (Fy (* F (sin theta))))
    (list Fx Fy)))

;; Force #3: gravitational force between multiple particles
(define gravitational-F (multi-interaction-F two-particle-grav-F))

;; Force #4: Squigglers. The force between them and non-squigglers is
;;           proportional to the inverse of the distance, and the direction
;;           oscillates as a function of the distance
(define (two-particle-squiggler-F q1 q2 v1 v2 properties1 properties2)
  (let* ((r (compute-euc-dist q1 q2))
         (theta (compute-angle q1 q2))
         (is-squiggler1 (get-squiggler properties1))
         (is-squiggler2 (get-squiggler properties2))
         (F (/ 10000 (expt r 2.0)))
         (Fy (* -1.0 (* F (sin r))))
         (Fx (* F (cos r))))
    (if (and is-squiggler1  is-squiggler2)
        (list Fx Fy)    
        '(0.0 0.0))))

;; Force #5: multi-particle squiggle interaction
(define squiggler-F (multi-interaction-F two-particle-squiggler-F))

;; Force #6: Spiralers. The force between them and non-spirals is proportional
;;           to the inverse of the distance, and the direction is perpendicular.
(define (two-particle-spiraler-F q1 q2 v1 v2 properties1 properties2)
  (let* ((r (compute-euc-dist q1 q2))
         (theta (compute-angle q1 q2))
         (is-spiraler1 (get-spiraler properties1))
         (is-spiraler2 (get-spiraler properties2))
         (F (/ 10000 (expt r 2.0)))
         (Fx (* -1.0 (* F (sin theta))))
         (Fy (* F (cos theta))))
    (if (and is-spiraler1 (not is-spiraler2))
        (list Fx Fy)    
        '(0.0 0.0))))

;; Force #7: multi-particle spiral interaction
(define spiraler-F (multi-interaction-F two-particle-spiraler-F))

;; Force #8: global force. Contains all particles in a box
(define (box-F q v properties)
  ;; create a 'collision box' global perimeter
  ;; It may be the case that collisions are better handled
  ;; as 'events' in which the velocities are switched, as
  ;; opposed to some sort of Force-law treatment.
  (let* ((k 100000.0) ;; strength of box, basically treat it like powerful tiny springs
         (xlim0 100.0)
         (xlim1 400.0)
         (ylim0 100.0)
         (ylim1 400.0)
         (xvec (get-x q))
         (yvec (get-y q))
         (Fx (map (lambda (pos) (if (< pos xlim0) (* (- k) (- pos xlim0)) (if (> pos xlim1) (* (- k) (- pos xlim1)) 0.0))) xvec))
         (Fy (map (lambda (pos) (if (< pos ylim0) (* (- k) (- pos ylim0)) (if (> pos ylim1) (* (- k) (- pos ylim1)) 0.0))) yvec)))
    (zip Fx Fy)))

;; Force #9: collision forces. Each particle gets a tiny strong spring attached
;;           to it. Requires a notion of object size.

(define (two-particle-collision-F q1 q2 v1 v2 properties1 properties2)
  (let* ((k 200000.0) ; spring strength
         (elastic 0.1)
         (r (compute-euc-dist q1 q2))
         (theta (compute-angle q1 q2))
         (mass1 (get-mass properties1))
         (e (get-elastic properties1))
         (c (elastic->damping e k mass1))
         (vr (+ (* (- (first v1) (first v2)) (cos theta)) (* (- (second v1) (second v2)) (sin theta))))
         (size1 (get-size properties1))
         (size2 (get-size properties2))
         (impinge (- r (+ size1 size2))))
    (if (< impinge 0)
        ;(let* ((F (* k impinge))
        (let* ((F (+ (* (- c) vr) (* k impinge)))
               (Fx (* F (cos theta)))
               (Fy (* F (sin theta))))
          (list Fx Fy))
        '(0.0 0.0))))

;; Force #10: multi-collision formulation.
(define collision-F (multi-interaction-F two-particle-collision-F))
;; ====================== END of list of Forces =============================

(define F0 null-F)
(define F1 squiggler-F)
(define F2 gravitational-F)
(define F3 spiraler-F)
(define F4 box-F)
(define F5 collision-F)

;; Other write to file methods throw errors if the file exists. 
;; This makes sure that if the file exists, it gets erased/written over
(define (write-to-file output filename)
   (if (file-exists? filename)
       (delete-file filename)
   (let ((output-port (open-output-file filename)))
     (write output output-port))))

;; observation noise function

(define (add-noise l observation-noise)
  (if (not (list? (first l)))
      (map (lambda (x) (gaussian x observation-noise)) l)
      (map (lambda (x) (add-noise x observation-noise)) l)))       
;; ====================== Forces in inference form ==========================

;; (define (guessed-damped-harmonic-F q v)
;;   (let* ((x-vec (map first q))
;;          (vx-vec (map first v))
;;          (centerpoint (gaussian -47 2))
;;          (Fx (map + (map - (mtimes 0.1 vx-vec)) (map - (mplus centerpoint x-vec))))
;;          (Fy (make-list (length x-vec) 0.0))
;;          )
;;     (zip Fx Fy)))

;; ===================== END of Forces in inference form ===================

;; ======= INITIALIZATION of position, momemtum and other parameters =======

;; starting positions and momentum
(define q0 '((200.0 200.0)
             (100.0 200.0)))

(define v0 '((0.0 0.0)
             (1000.0 0.0)))

;; particle properties ((p1_1, p1_2, p1_3,...), (p2_1, p2_2, p2_3,...),...)
;; properties can be things like charge, binary features, etc.
;; NOTE: Mass the is first property of a body!

(define properties '((("mass" 2.0) ("size" 12.0) ("elastic" 0.1)) 
                     (("mass" 1.0) ("size" 12.0) ("elastic" 0.1)))) 

(define dt 0.001)
(define observation-noise 0.0)

(define path-length 300 )

; the actual path is too long for efficient inference
; so we pick points along the path to condition on.
(define num-inference-points 100) 

;; ========================= END of INITIALIZATION =========================
;; ========================= BEGIN ACTUAL RUN ==============================

(define (my-church-force q v properties)
  (make-list (length q) '(0.0 0.0)))

(define true-Fl (list my-church-force))

;; --- run the actual actual ------

(define observed-path (rk-newtonian q0 v0 true-Fl properties path-length dt 0.0))

(define output-filename "./physics/collision-ratio2_0-e0_1")
(define samples-filename "./physics/output-collision-ratio2_0-e0_1")

;; ======================= END ACTUAL RUN ==================================
;; ======================= BEGIN INFERENCE =================================

(define samples
   10 1
   (define inferred-Fl
     (if (flip)
         (list F5)
         (list my-church-force)))
   (define (noisy= x y noise)
     (log-flip (- (gaussian-lnpdf (- x y) 0.0 noise)
                  (gaussian-lnpdf 0.0 0.0 noise))))
   (define (noisy=* a b noise)
     (if (and (list? a) (list? b))
         (all (map (lambda (i j) (noisy=* i j noise)) a b))
         (noisy= a b noise)))
   (define mass1 (exp 0.2))
   (define mass2 (exp 0.2))
   (define elastic (uniform 0.01 0.99))
   (define inferred-properties (list (list (list "mass" mass1) (list "size" 12) (list "elastic" elastic))
                                     (list (list "mass" mass2) (list "size" 12) (list "elastic" elastic))))
   (define inferred-path (rk-newtonian q0  (add-noise v0 30)  inferred-Fl inferred-properties path-length dt observation-noise))
   ;(define inferred-path (rk-newtonian q0  (add-noise v0 30)  Fl inferred-properties path-length dt observation-noise))
   (define reduced-observation (path-splitter observed-path num-inference-points))
   (define reduced-inferred (path-splitter inferred-path num-inference-points))
   ;; query over
    (display inferred-Fl)
    (display "\n")
    (list mass1 mass2))
   ;; (begin
   ;;   (display (list mass1 mass2 elastic))
   ;;   (display "\n")
   ;;   ;(display (time-difference stime (current-time)))
   ;;   ;(display "\n")
   ;;   (list mass1 mass2))
   ;; conditioned on
   (noisy=* (map first observed-path) (map first inferred-path) .1)
   (noisy=* reduced-observation reduced-inferred .1)
   ;(equal? reduced-observation reduced-inferred)
   ;(noisy=* 2.0 (gaussian 1.0 1.0) .1)

