;;;fold: zip
(define (zip xs1 xs2)
(if (or (is_null xs1) (is_null xs2)) '()
(pair (first xs1) (pair (first xs2) '()))
(zip (rest xs1) (rest xs2)))))
;; Matrix utility functions
(define (split-list-first split lst n)
(if (= n 0)
(cons split lst)
(split-list-first (append split (list (car lst))) (cdr lst) (- n 1))))
(define (zero-vector n)
; list of n zeros
(make-list n 0) )
;; Basic matrix functions
(define (m-reshape-col elements m n)
; Appends elements to matrix
; m rows, n columns
; Produces matrix as list of columns
; Assumes elements are column ordered i.e. (1 1) (2 1) ...
(let* ([split (split-list-first '() elements m)]
[new-column (car split)]
[remaining-elements (cdr split)] )
(if (= n 1)
(cons new-column '())
(cons new-column (m-reshape-col remaining-elements m (- n 1))) ) ) )
(define (m-reshape-row elements m n)
; Appends elements to matrix
; m rows, n columns
; Produces matrix as list of rows
; Assumes elements are row ordered i.e. (1 1) (1 2) ...
(let* ([split (split-list-first '() elements n)]
[new-row (car split)]
[remaining-elements (cdr split)] )
(if (= m 1)
(cons new-row '())
(cons new-row (m-reshape-row remaining-elements (- m 1) n)) ) ) )
(define (m->el A i j)
; Returns element (i j) of matrix A
(list-ref (list-ref A (- i 1)) (- j 1)) )
(define (mr*v mr v)
; Matrix in row format right multiplied by vector
(let ([dot-prod (sum (map * (car mr) v))])
(if (= (length mr) 1)
(list dot-prod)
(cons dot-prod (mr*v (cdr mr) v)) ) ) )
(define (matrix-map-1 proc A)
; Map proc onto each element of A
(map (lambda (a) (map proc a)) A) )
(define (matrix-map-2 proc A B)
; Map proc onto each element of A and B
(map (lambda (a b) (map proc a b)) A B) )
;; Cholesky decomposition
;; A crude and slow implementation of the Cholesky-Banachiewicz algorithm
(define (chol A)
; Lower triangular Cholesky decomposition of A
; Assumes that A is a matrix of rows - but it might not matter
(let ([L11 (sqrt (car (car A)))])
(chol-square (chol-iter A (cons 2 1) (list (list L11)))) ) )
(define (chol-iter A ip L)
; Top level iteration of cholesky
(if (> (car ip) (length A))
(chol-iter A (chol-next-index-pair ip) (chol-add-element A L (car ip) (cdr ip))) ) )
(define (chol-add-element P L i j)
; if j = 1 then add the new element into a new row
; else add the new element at the end of the last row
(let ([new-el (chol-get-element P L i j)]
[previous-rows (chol-truncate L)]
[last-row (m->last-row/col L)])
((= j 1) (append L (list (list new-el))))
(else (append previous-rows (list (append last-row (list new-el))))) ) ) )
(define (chol-next-index-pair ip)
; Defines the order of iteration in Cholesky algorithm
; ip = (i . j)
; if i = j then return (i+1 . 1)
; else return (i . j+1)
((= (car ip) (cdr ip)) (cons (+ (car ip) 1) 1))
(else (cons (car ip) (+ (cdr ip) 1))) ) )
(define (chol-get-element P L i j)
; The Cholesky formula
((= i j) (sqrt (- (m->el P i i) (chol-ps L i i))))
(else (/ (- (m->el P i j) (chol-ps L i j)) (m->el L j j))) ) )
(define (chol-ps L i j)
; The sum in the formula for L_{ij}
; \sum_{k=1}^{j-1} L_{ik}L_{jk}
(chol-ps-iter (- j 1) L i j) )
(define (chol-ps-iter k L i j)
; The main iterative loop for the Cholesky partial sum
((= k 0) 0)
((= k 1) (* (m->el L i 1) (m->el L j 1)))
(else (+ (* (m->el L i k) (m->el L j k))
(chol-ps-iter (- k 1) L i j) )) ) )
;; Cholesky utilities
(define (chol-square A)
; pad the rows of A with zeros to make square
(map (lambda (v) (append v (zero-vector (- (length A) (length v))))) A) )
;; GPs
(define (sqr x)
(expt x 2) )
(define (mv-gaussian mean sigma)
; mean + chol(sigma) * gaussians
(map + mean (mr*v (chol sigma) (repeat (length mean) (lambda () (gaussian 0 1))))) )
(define (euclidean-squared-distance X Y)
(sum (map (lambda (x y) (sqr (- x y))) X Y)) )
(define (euclidean-squared-distances X Ys)
(map (lambda (Y) (euclidean-squared-distance X Y)) Ys) )
(define (cov-se-iso-row x xs ell sf)
(map (lambda (a) (* (exp (- 0 a)) (sqr sf)))
(map (lambda (b) (/ b (* 2 (sqr ell))))
(euclidean-squared-distances x xs))) )
(define (cov-se-iso x ell sf)
(map (lambda (a) (cov-se-iso-row a x ell sf)) x) )
(define (gp-se-iso x mean ell sf)
(mv-gaussian mean (cov-se-iso x ell sf)) )
(define (sigmoid x)
(/ (exp x) (+ 1 (exp x))) )
(define (m->last-row/col A)
; Returns the last row or column of a matrix
; Last row or column depends on the format of the matrix
(car (reverse A)) )
(define (chol-truncate A)
; Returns everything but the last row
(if (null? (cdr A))
(reverse (cdr (reverse A))) ) )
(define input
'((1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
(12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20)))
(define observations
'(#t #t #t #t #t #f #f #f #f #f #t #t #t #t #t #f #f #f #f #f))
(define samples
10 20
;; Define the generative model and the likelihood of observation
;; Setup
(define N 20)
(define mu (zero-vector N))
; Broad priors on hyperparameters
(define ell (+ 1 (min 2 (exp 0.1))))
(define sf (+ 1 (exp 0.1)))
;; The model
(define latent-gp (gp-se-iso input mu ell sf))
;; Likelihood calculations
(define (bernoulli-likelihood p b)
(if b p (- 1 p)) )
(define (gp-class-log-lik gp obs)
(sum (map (lambda (l b) (log (bernoulli-likelihood (sigmoid l) b))) gp obs)) )
(define log-likelihood (gp-class-log-lik latent-gp observations))
(define _ (factor log-likelihood))
;; Quantity to sample
); mh-query
); define samples
(zip (map car input)
(car (reverse samples))))